May the most sales win
May the cheapest production win
May the prettiest and wealthiest win
May the story that empowers the most people win .
Turn your online presence into a clear, consistent story that your people buy into over and over.
It’s time for a new story about:
Here’s how we create a New Story for your brand:

“Working with Katy was a dream…
When I saw the copy for the first time
I was like, ‘oh my God, she’s captured
what I’ve been trying to say for years!’”
Kristen Constable, Activate Business Accelerator
“Working with Katy was a dream… When I saw the copy for the first time, I was like, ‘Oh my God, she’s captured what I’ve been trying to say for years!’”
Kristin Constable, Activate Business Accelerator

Ready to start your project?

Fill out the questionnaire and request a call time.
We’ll go through your marketing hangups on the phone, and I’ll show you how we can solve them.

I conduct thorough market research and interview you on our kickoff call.
I’ll present a Brand Message Guide as a foundation for your marketing + team culture.

We update your website and materials.
Your updated copywriting and brand personality begins a movement – one that builds sales and community.
New Story Brands & Industries

A new wave of brands is out to help people
be healthy, live well, and save the environment.
Is that you?
If so… then you have a massive opportunity to influence people’s day-to-day mindset for the better. Here’s why I believe you can influence your customers’ mindset and wellbeing:
1. Your customers’ mindset comes from their thoughts.
2. Their thoughts come from the media and experiences they consume.
3. The media and experiences they consume now come from brands (like you!).
People’s thoughts and habits used to come from our history, from our families, and from our little towns. It’s all we knew! But with the access to information we have now, that’s no longer the case. We are now what we consume the most.
I believe if we’re going to wake people up to the new beliefs that will change the world, we’re going to have to do it through brands.

A new wave of brands is out to help people be healthy, live well, and save the environment.
Is that you?
If so… then you have a massive opportunity to influence people’s day-to-day mindset for the better. Here’s why I believe you can influence your customers’ mindset and wellbeing:
1. Your customers’ mindset comes from their thoughts.
2. Their thoughts come from the media and experiences they consume.
3. The media and experiences they consume now come from brands (like you!).
People’s thoughts and habits used to come from our history, from our families, and from our little towns. It’s all we knew! But with the access to information we have now, that’s no longer the case. We are now what we consume the most.
I believe if we’re going to wake people up to the new beliefs that will change the world, we’re going to have to do it through brands.
So, here’s the mission:
👏 👏 👏
Ready to transform your community?

I have worked with Katy on several
She easily blends storytelling and technical acumen to turn a vague dream into a clear and compelling solution.”

“When we went over the copy mockup for our site, we thought, ‘DANG this is fresh!’
The process was clean and exceeded expectations. It forced us to look at our target market much more deeply, which was an added benefit. 10 out of 10 I would recommend Katy.”
People Need Your New Story
Here’s a guide to kickstart empowering people… and growing sales.
People Need Your New Story
Here’s a guide to kickstart empowering people… and growing sales.
How do I know if I need a brand story?

🤔 Could your service or product change your customer’s mindset?
🏁 Are you building a community or a movement?
⏰ Do you need to set aside time to work on the brand direction?
💥 Do you wish you had a “WOW!” response every time you talk about your brand?
💡 Are you training new team members to understand your customer?
🧠 Could your service or product change your customer’s mindset?
🏁 Are you building a community or a movement?
⏰ Do you need to set aside time to work on the brand direction?
💥 Do you wish you had a “WOW!” response every time you talk about your brand?
💡 Are you training new team members to understand your customer?

I’m a StoryBrand Certified Guide.
Yes, being a Guide is a mark of expertise in copywriting and marketing. But more than that, it’s a promise to end scammy marketing and help the good guys win.
You can read the book Building a Story Brand Here
(It’s the shortcut to become a marketing genius!)
**Big thanks to the amazing novelist, leader and storyteller, Don Miller. Another big thanks to all the StoryBrand Guides who review my work and laugh at my jokes.
Put your game-changer pants on.
Are you tired of trying to figure out how to tell your story?
Let’s make a new story that your customers can believe in… and grow your sales with a movement for good.
Put your game-changer pants on.
Are you tired of trying to figure out how to tell your story?
Let’s make a new story that your customers can believe in… and grow your sales with a movement for good.